Wed May 08 2024 20:56:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Provocations in Art: Indigenous Repatriation Within The Arts. Royal Academy.

data.entry.endDate == 2018-11-07T00:00:00+00:00
data.entry.startDate == 2018-11-07T00:00:00+00:00
data.entry.eventDescription = Join Royal Academy for a panel of curators and artists as they examine the issues surrounding repatriation, restitution and the return of artworks and cultural objects. How do Western museums and cultural organisations represent, store and exhibit indigenous artworks today? The subject of returning artworks to their origin state is one frequently debated in today’s art world, and one that comes with many questions and cultural debates. How should cultural institutions honour and nurture the cultural heritage of indigenous populations? The panel explores the intricacies of colonial restitution and discusses whether museums need to rethink the display, function, and narrative of indigenous objects.
data.entry.calendarLink = https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/event/recovering-cultures-indigenous-repatriation
data.entry.calendarCountry = gb
data.entry.calendarCity = London
data.entry.calendarCategory = [ { "id": "546", "title": "Development", "slug": "development", "__typename": "eventCategories_Category" } ]
{ "entry": { "title": " Provocations in Art: Indigenous Repatriation Within The Arts. Royal Academy.", "id": "1852", "backgroundPhoto": [], "startDate": "2018-11-07T00:00:00+00:00", "endDate": "2018-11-07T00:00:00+00:00", "eventDescription": "Join Royal Academy for a panel of curators and artists as they examine the issues surrounding repatriation, restitution and the return of artworks and cultural objects.\n\nHow do Western museums and cultural organisations represent, store and exhibit indigenous artworks today? The subject of returning artworks to their origin state is one frequently debated in today’s art world, and one that comes with many questions and cultural debates. How should cultural institutions honour and nurture the cultural heritage of indigenous populations? The panel explores the intricacies of colonial restitution and discusses whether museums need to rethink the display, function, and narrative of indigenous objects.", "calendarLink": "https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/event/recovering-cultures-indigenous-repatriation", "calendarCountry": "gb", "calendarCity": "London", "calendarCategory": [ { "id": "546", "title": "Development", "slug": "development", "__typename": "eventCategories_Category" } ], "__typename": "calendar_calendar_Entry" } }