Wed May 08 2024 20:28:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Pregnant then screwed live: UK festival of motherhood and work

data.entry.endDate ==
data.entry.startDate == 2018-05-12T00:00:00+00:00
data.entry.eventDescription = Pregnant Then Screwed Live is a festival for parents who have been pushed out and pushed to the edge by employers who are incapable of seeing their brilliance. With sessions on flexible working, returnships, starting your own business, going self employed, childcare solutions, your legal rights, confidence building and writing a badass CV, the festival will bring together the funniest, most inspirational women we can find to help you navigate the minefield that is motherhood and work.
data.entry.calendarLink = https://www.pregnantthenscrewedlive.com/
data.entry.calendarCountry = gb
data.entry.calendarCity = Manchester
data.entry.calendarCategory = [ { "id": "546", "title": "Development", "slug": "development", "__typename": "eventCategories_Category" } ]
{ "entry": { "title": "Pregnant then screwed live: UK festival of motherhood and work ", "id": "598", "backgroundPhoto": [ { "url": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/amazon-s3-violet-ir/calendar/image5-1.jpeg", "size": "82407", "height": 630, "alt": null, "__typename": "calendar_Asset" } ], "startDate": "2018-05-12T00:00:00+00:00", "endDate": null, "eventDescription": "Pregnant Then Screwed Live is a festival for parents who have been pushed out and pushed to the edge by employers who are incapable of seeing their brilliance. With sessions on flexible working, returnships, starting your own business, going self employed, childcare solutions, your legal rights, confidence building and writing a badass CV, the festival will bring together the funniest, most inspirational women we can find to help you navigate the minefield that is motherhood and work.", "calendarLink": "https://www.pregnantthenscrewedlive.com/", "calendarCountry": "gb", "calendarCity": "Manchester", "calendarCategory": [ { "id": "546", "title": "Development", "slug": "development", "__typename": "eventCategories_Category" } ], "__typename": "calendar_calendar_Entry" } }