Wed May 08 2024 14:53:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Moving Through Loss Workshop

data.entry.endDate == 2020-05-09T23:00:00+00:00
data.entry.startDate == 2020-05-09T23:00:00+00:00
data.entry.eventDescription = Moving Through Loss is an experiential workshop that incorporates journaling, breathwork, guided relaxation and body-led movement. It’s a safe space to feel and move held discomfort through the body and release blocked energy and emotions. Workshop Online: 10am-11.30am £15.00
data.entry.calendarLink = https://www.avni-touch.com/moving-through-loss
data.entry.calendarCountry = gb
data.entry.calendarCity = London
data.entry.calendarCategory = [ { "id": "546", "title": "Development", "slug": "development", "__typename": "eventCategories_Category" } ]
{ "entry": { "title": "Moving Through Loss Workshop", "id": "3235", "backgroundPhoto": [], "startDate": "2020-05-09T23:00:00+00:00", "endDate": "2020-05-09T23:00:00+00:00", "eventDescription": "Moving Through Loss is an experiential workshop that incorporates journaling, breathwork, guided relaxation and body-led movement. It’s a safe space to feel and move held discomfort through the body and release blocked energy and emotions.\n\nWorkshop Online: 10am-11.30am\n£15.00", "calendarLink": "https://www.avni-touch.com/moving-through-loss", "calendarCountry": "gb", "calendarCity": "London", "calendarCategory": [ { "id": "546", "title": "Development", "slug": "development", "__typename": "eventCategories_Category" } ], "__typename": "calendar_calendar_Entry" } }